Her Christmas Bear Page 3
“Hey, Marcus!” Dirk stood in the doorway of the small cabin that acted as Marcus’s office. A flash of anxiety rushed through him. Had something happened to Hope while he’d been gone?
He helped the truck driver secure the straps that would hold the trees in place. Once done, the man thrust a clipboard at him and Marcus signed it, barely looking at what it said. He waved the man off and jogged to where Dirk waited for him.
“What’s wrong?” Urgency filled his body. “Did something happen to Hope?”
Dirk made a face when he saw Marcus’s expression. “No, man. Sorry. Forgot how twitchy a shifter gets over his new mate.”
Marcus felt the tension leave his body. Somewhat. He knew he and his bear wouldn’t fully relax until they saw her again. “So what’s up? I really need to get back to the hospital.”
“Well, about that.”
“Dirk, I’m in no mood for shit.”
Dirk let out a long breath and spoke quickly. “Your mate was discharged and went home with her friend.”
“Fuck. I was going to bring her home. Here. I was going to bring her here.”
“Really?” Dirk’s dark brows rose at his confident statement. Marcus knew what he was thinking. They had just met. She was human and humans didn’t feel that instant attraction. That instant feeling of destiny.
“I was gonna try, anyway.” He took off his coat and slicked the snow from his hair. Sitting down in his office chair he gave Dirk a hard glare. “How do you know so much about what my mate is doing?”
“Apparently, one of the nurses decided to take pity on you. When she couldn’t get a hold of you, she called me.”
“Did she happen to mention the name of Hope’s friend?”
Dirk smiled. Marcus couldn’t believe the difference in the bear since he’d claimed his mate. He was easier going and definitely less guilt ridden. His friend had a sad and tragic past that Marcus hoped would be eased by the man’s mate.
“I did better than that. I got you an invitation todinner.”
“WHAT DO YOU mean you invited him to dinner? And how did you know how to contact him?” Fear and some other emotion she couldn’t—didn’t—want to define rose inside Hope.
“Really, Hope? You have to ask me that? I invited him because I wanted to thank him for rescuing my best friend. I didn’t contact him, the nurse did.” She gave a mischievous smile that Hope had the sudden urge to wipe off her face even if she was her best friend.
“Which nurse?” Several had seen to her care while she was in the hospital. Jealousy rose inside her thinking of the last pretty and overly perky nurse who had taken her vitals right before the doctor had dismissed her. Was she sweet on Marcus? Had they dated? The thought made her angry and left her feeling very possessive.
Damn, was what Marcus said true? Were they mates? She knew when Patsy had first started dating Gary, her wolf shifter husband, she’d confessed to feeling very jealous and very possessive. Two emotions neither Patsy nor Hope had ever displayed for a former boyfriend. Even after catching her last boyfriend fucking his secretary hadn’t aroused such feelings inside Hope.
“It was Martha Jane. The drill sergeant, remember her?”
“Oh, yeah.” But that still didn’t mean she liked the idea of Marcus coming to dinner. “I’m really not feeling up to it, Patsy. Maybe another time?”
At once Patsy’s expression switched from teasing to concerned. “Is your head hurting again?”
For a moment, Hope considered using the bump on her head as an excuse to avoid the bear shifter. Especially since Patsy had waited until the ninth hour to tell Hope of their dinner guest. The roast was almost done, filling the house with its delicious aroma. “It is.”
Just then, a loud knock sounded on the front door and Patsy’s husband Gary was yelling, “Marcus is here!”
The two women looked at each other. Best friends since forever, Hope knew if she did take the coward’s way out and hid in her room, Patsy would have her back. “Let’s get this over with.” She sighed, loud and long, and Patsy laughed, flicking a dish towel at her butt.
“Drama queen. But don’t think I’m not going to say I told you so when you’re fat and round with his cub come spring time.” Patsy’s laughter drowned out Hope’s sputter of outrage as they walked out of the kitchen to greet their guest.
Marcus couldn’t believe how nervous he was tonight. It hadn’t been that long since he’d spent time in the company of a woman. He was a man after all, a bear who needed physical release from time to time. Besides, he liked women. They were soft and gentle and smelled damn good. None of them, however, could ever be as soft and cuddly as his mate. And her scent… her scent drove him to his knees and made his bear turn primal.
He knocked on the door, holding the flowers and bottle of wine he’d brought in one hand. The door opened and he was greeted by a wolf shifter with a wide grin on his face. “How are you doing, Marcus? Long time, no see.”
He took the other shifter’s hand and smiled. He’d always liked the younger wolf. He was a construction worker with a local firm and sometimes worked at the tree farm to make extra money. Or he had before he’d gotten married. Married, apparently, to his mate’s best friend. “It’s good to see you too, Gary.”
He was ushered into the house without any fanfare and immediately felt at home. His mate had chosen her friends well. His bear huffed, alerting him to the fact that his mate was coming down the hall toward them. He turned around, a low rumble sounding in his throat.
Mine. Mine.
When Hope stayed behind her friend, as if afraid to greet him, he corralled his bear and turned his attention to the other woman. “Hi, Patsy. How have you been?”
“Great. Just great. Is that wine for me?”
“Sure is.”
She took the bottle and gave him a wink. “Then I guess the flowers are for Hope. Honey, could you help me in the kitchen for a minute?” Before her mate could protest, she had Gary by the arm and was leading him away. That left Marcus and Hope in the hallway staring at each other.
“She was right, these are for you.” He stepped closer and handed her the dozen red roses. He was pleased when she took them and brought them to her nose.
“They’re beautiful.”
“So are you.” The compliment slipped naturally from his lips. She was beautiful.
“Right. I still have hospital bed head and a bruise the size of an orange on the side of my face.”
“Does it hurt?” He stepped forward, crowding her against the wall. Before she could protest, his fingers were trailing along the edge of the bruise, his touch feather light. Unable to resist, he tucked her hair behind her ear. It felt incredible against his fingers, as soft as the caress of a summer breeze. The curve of her neck enchanted him too. He wanted to press a kiss there, lick the bare skin. Oh, who the hell was he kidding? He wanted to bite her. Mark her. Claim her.
His bear roared in agreement. It was as hungry as the man.
“Do you have a headache, nausea, dizziness?”
“Why no, I don’t, Doctor Marcus.”
“Smart mouth.” They both froze at his comeback, his gaze focused on her mouth and hers focused on his. Damn, but he wanted a taste of her. She moistened her lower lip with the tip of her tongue and that was all it took. His head lowered and their lips touched. For him, their first kiss couldn’t have been more perfect. Her lips were soft and sweet. When he increased the pressure, she returned it eagerly. Gathering her close, he licked the tempting seam. “Let me in, baby.”
His bear roared in satisfaction when she immediately obeyed him. He thrust his tongue inside and the taste of her exploded on his. Pushing her backwards, he held her against the wall, flexing his hips against hers. “So good. You taste so good.”
Hope went boneless as soon as Marcus’s lips touched hers. She let the flowers he’d brought drop to the floor and raised her hands to join them together behind his neck. She wanted
this big bear shifter to kiss her. Huh, she thought, feeling her body moisten and soften. She wanted Marcus to fuck her. Fuck her up against this wall. Did he want the same thing? She could feel the tension ratcheting up inside her from a slow simmer to an all-out burn. Emotions swept through her like a firestorm. She’d never felt this much need for a man. Ever.
His arms clamped around her tighter and his mouth moved over hers with increasing urgency. Desire, hot and sweet, whipped through her. He smelled of snow and wind, elemental and untamed. He smelled like… Marcus. He smelled like hers.
She had no idea how long they may have stood there if Patsy hadn’t interrupted. She had a feeling he would have taken her against the wall. Would have thrust his cock deep inside her, rode her hard and fast until they both screamed in satisfaction.
“Hope, are you two coming—”
They broke off the kiss and Hope pressed her forehead against Marcus’s shoulder, smiling. Oh, if only her friend knew how close she had been to coming. And only from her naughty imagination and this shifter’s kiss.
Marcus growled at Patsy’s interruption. He vaguely registered Gary’s laugh as he urged his wife back into the living room. He rubbed a hand over his face as he pulled back, making sure Hope could stand on her own two feet. If she felt anything like he did, her legs were as wobbly as a newborn cub’s. If not for the untimely interruption, seducing her in the foyer wouldn’t have been such a far-fetched scenario. He wanted to possess her body in the worst possible way. Wanted to make those velvet brown eyes turn to liquid with satisfaction. And so did his bear.
Marcus couldn’t ever remember feeling his bear so close to the surface.
Want mate. Want her now, the animal whispered in his ear.
“We better go in.” He stepped completely away, his eyes searching Hope’s face. For what, he didn’t know. Signs of pain? Any indication that she wanted him to pick her up and drive up the mountain as fast as he could? Toss her on his bed and strip her bare before burying his head between her legs?
He took her arm and ushered her in front of him, hoping the short walk to the kitchen would be enough time to get his body back under control.
“So, you’ll come to the farm tomorrow?”
The couples had spent the evening eating and talking, getting to know each other. Patsy had always been fun to be around and it seemed as if she’d picked the perfect husband in Gary. He shared his wife’s quirky sense of humor and it was easy for Hope to see why her friend had fallen for him so fast. Marcus seemed to be having fun, too. He already knew Gary and had charmed Patsy quickly.
When Patsy threatened to break out the board games, Marcus politely said it was time for him to leave. Not that he wouldn’t have enjoyed spending more time with his mate and her friends, but he sensed Hope was getting tired. She would never tell him or her friend, but the day was catching up with her.
“So, tomorrow?” Marcus repeated his question. Over dinner, he had talked about his farm and invited all of them out for a tour. Patsy and Gary had immediately declined, no doubt realizing it was just a ruse for Marcus to spend time with Hope.
“What? Umm, yes. I’d love to see it.” Hope felt a flush of color flood her cheeks. Every time Hope had looked at him this evening, he had seemed to be watching her. It was a wonderful, yet terrifying feeling, to be the sole focus of someone else’s attention.
She was still remembering the feel of his body pressed against hers. She might not be very experienced, but the bulge beneath his jeans had been bigger than average. Even bigger than at the hospital. She stole another glance at his lap and squirmed on her seat. Just how well-endowed was he? And what the heck was wrong with her, suddenly having these x-rated thoughts? She’d never wondered about the size of a man’s cock before. “If Patsy can take me to the rental agency, I’ll get a car and you can give me directions.”
“Why don’t I come get you?”
“What, afraid I’ll slide down the mountain and you’ll have to play rescue bear again?” She wouldn’t mind that a bit if she got to see the full Monty again.
Marcus’s face took on a look she had no idea how to read and he gave a little growl. Hope turned quickly to her friend. Had she said something wrong? Insulted him somehow?
Gary answered her unspoken question. “Shifters can get a little, touchy, about their mate’s safety.”
“I’ll come get you.” This time it was a statement rather than a question.
“Okay, that would be great.” And it would. Deep down Hope liked the idea of being taken care of and Marcus was more attentive than any man she had ever met. But, that streak of independence inside her wouldn’t allow her to give in too easily. Maybe it was some form of instinct that warned her this man could readily overwhelm her if she let him. “But not tomorrow. I really do need to get a rental car.” When he started to protest, she added, “I’d like to come later in the week and I would appreciate it if you did come and get me. I’m not a very good driver in the snow.”
Everyone laughed at her comment but Marcus. Did the thought of her being hurt or injured really upset him? His dark, compelling eyes focused on her, drawing her in, making her want what she knew wasn’t possible. Men did not fall in love at the drop of a hat. Especially a man who looked like Marcus Abrams with a woman who looked like her. Her gaze lowered to his mouth, remembering how wonderful his lips had felt against hers.
Now instant lust was another matter. Because she was definitely feeling that.
When he said goodbye to Patsy and Gary, she froze. Should she offer to see him out? Kiss him goodnight? Suddenly, she felt like a hormonal driven teenaged girl.
Marcus took the decision from her, rising from his chair and holding out his hand to her. Their eyes met, his darkened with desire. “Walk me to the door?”
He kept hold of her hand until they were by the front door. There he wasted no time in cupping the back of her neck and bringing her closer. She groaned when he slanted his mouth over hers in a searing kiss that had her melting at his feet. His tongue swept past her lips, reaching deep inside and mating with hers. His hands slipped underneath her sweater and drew her tight against him. She felt the bulge beneath his jeans and this time she was the one rubbing herself against him. Her breasts flattened against the expanse of his chest, her nipples tightening into sensitive nubs. By the time he released her, they were both gasping for air.
“I’ll see you day after tomorrow.” With one last, lingering kiss that held all the sweetness of a frosted Christmas cookie, he opened the front door and left.
Two days later, Hope walked down the streets of Riverton, loving the Christmas decorations that adorned the small town. There were lighted trees on every street corner, pine boughs strung across the streets, and every storefront she walked by was decorated to the hilt, enticing customers to come in and shop.
She didn’t have much to buy. She’d brought Patsy’s and Gary’s gifts with her from home. Thankfully, they hadn’t been damaged in the wreck. Marcus had arranged for her car to be towed to the garage in town. She’d stopped by there and gotten her belongings yesterday afternoon after she’d rented a car. Now, she could leave town anytime she wanted.
Her plan had been to stay until after Christmas. She’d taken two weeks’ vacation and she had no one waiting for her back home. She worked for a small television studio, writing copy for local productions. It was interesting, but didn’t pay much. She’d kind of fallen into it when she’d interned there during college.
When she was a teenager, she’d decided to live fulltime with her mother so she could finish high school early and leave for college as soon as possible, starting a life completely on her own. She sighed. No one had ever really wanted her she thought.
No one but Marcus, the voice inside her head insisted. She shook away the thought. It couldn’t be that simple. He couldn’t take one look at her and know. Know she was the one he wanted for the rest of his life.
She got into h
er rental car and made her way back to her friend’s house, her mind in turmoil thinking about Marcus. A bear shifter who claimed she was his mate and was a damn good kisser to boot. Thinking of him and what all she knew he could do with that talented tongue had her shivering beneath her puffy parka. Her pussy clenched, wanting him now. Wanting him forever.
No. That’s not what she wanted. She didn’t want a man who proclaimed his love, then one day, out of the blue, decided he was moving on. Leaving her and their children behind.
That was your parents. Not you, she tried to tell herself. Not Marcus.
She opened the door to Patsy’s house, stomping off the snow before she came inside. “I’m home,” she yelled. She’d learned the hard way the first day she was here to announce herself before entering a room. She’d walked into the living room, catching her friend with her wolf shifter husband in a state of, umm, undress.
She loved the fact that her friend had found a man who seemed to worship the ground she walked on. Was that how it was with mates? The instant attraction? The long-term commitment? Never ending love? But what happened if one of the parties didn’t return the feelings? What happened if the woman didn’t fall in love with the shifter?
“In here, Hope.”
Hope placed her packages next to the stairs, intending to take them up before dinner. She’d bought a few more things for Patsy and Gary, wanting to show her appreciation for taking her in during the holiday.
A holiday that was turning out way, way different than what she had envisioned.
“Are you decent?” She walked down the hallway admiring the huge house again. Her friend had good taste.
“Yes. You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Nope,” Hope answered with a grin. It was so good to be here, she thought. Grabbing a grape from the fruit bowl sitting in the middle of the marble island, she took a seat. Patsy stood on the other side of the counter, preparing dinner.
Hope never would have thought that her friend would want to be Miss Susie Homemaker. Not that there was anything wrong with that. Oh, who was she kidding, she’d trade her eyeteeth to be in Patsy’s position right now. She had a great job, a beautiful house, and a man who thought she was the best thing since sliced bread if the hot and heavy sexual escapades she’d caught them in was anything to go by.